In this respect I think I could probably build a convincing case that would find plenty of Christians agreeing that we are Christ's witnesses, we are Jesus' life incarnate (in the flesh) to the world around us. I'd probably find a lot less agreement arguing that we are also Jesus' death incarnate.
In the first sense of death here I mean something controversial to Benny Hinn and the prosperity gospel crowd but not to pretty much any other form of Christianity (though a problem for all of us all the time): carrying with you the dying of Jesus. Suffering. Trading your sorrows and pain for the joy of the Lord is good and not being crushed and all that; but you've also got to carry about "the dying of Jesus that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body" 2 Cor 4:10.
If you never got into the suffering of the cross, its likely that you're still contemplating Christianity at the "Can I play Daddy?" level of difficulty and never actually pressed on (the button :P). Or you've just remained at the "Don't hurt me" stage of comfortable lukewarmness. Jesus was no pansy looking for a fancy chariot or Miata to carry him into Jerusalem. (to his unjust but willful death)
OK. Lets get to the more racy bit.
Maybe your first thought is, yeah, in the second coming Jesus is going to judge the world and wipe out all those who refused Him and carried on in spite of His Lordship over all. Well I'd say, heck yeah; but I mean it a little differently here, and I'm going to use Psalm 18 to illustrate it. Jesus isn't just destroying his enemies in the future, he's putting them to death through you: right now.
Paul said in the letter to the Romans, that we should never take our own revenge, but to let God do it (Romans 12:19). So far as I know, David, the king of the Old Testament who put to death personally or under his rule, thousands of men, women, children and animals, (under orders from God) was never said to have taken his own revenge. He was tempted: recall the story of Abigail and Nabal. Abigail restrained David's vengeance, God ended up striking that "worthless fellow" Nabal dead.
Taking your own revenge is the attitude of the heart that says "Bring 'em on!" it is a selfishness that does not respect the Lordship of God in justice; vengeance is His.
So what was different about David?
I can't do a big analysis of the entire chapter here but it would be really beneficial. I'm going to present some interesting point-counterpoints to ponder.
a) David crys for help and God hears (v.6) : The enemies of David cry for help and are ignored (v.41)
b) David is terrified and surrounded in darkness and death (v.4-5) : God comes in darkness and terror to bring death to David's enemies (v.7-15)
c) David says he was righteous and thus God saved him and brought him out of darkness (v.20-28) : David says it was God who made him righteous (v.32)
d) David says that God delivered him from and destroyed his enemies, taking vengeance for him (17-19, 39-40, 47-48) : David says that he destroyed those who hated him (39-45)
e) David calls his enemies violent (48) : David brutally beats his enemies to death (42)
Now you can take the route of saying that these are all contradictions and walk away from Jesus real fast. Don't, they aren't, (they disappear in the unity). God hears his children, and is going to destroy and IS destroying his enemies.
True Christians pass through death and bring it to their enemies in justice; all others & fakers create it because their father the devil is a murderer and has been from the beginning. But it is this latter people, mystically speaking, that has been raised up for the sole purpose of making wood for the fire, (Psalm 92:5-7).

David was a master in the art of destroying God's enemies. He was so good at it that he was described, with his mighty men, as a mother bear robbed of her cubs; fierce. He was not allowed to build the temple because he was a 'man of blood'. His forefather Jacob ?cursed? David's tribe (Benjamin) saying "Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the morning he devours the prey, And in the evening he divides the spoil." (Genesis 49:27)
But here's the rub: he was "a man after God's own heart", and the greatest king Israel ever had. But he knew he was not the Supreme King of the spiritual people of Israel, he lived under the wing of Jesus Christ, wore the cloak of righteousness Jesus wore by grace through faith, and under His command and lordship David was life and death incarnate.
"...behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades" (Rev 1:18)
Are you a wolf in the sheep's clothing or a sheep in wolf's clothing? Both love and kill. The former is made for death, the latter for life. You cannot live by the sword; it is a weapon wielded only by right authority; but you can live under right authority and wield the sword. (Romans 12:1-6)
If you do not live under the Lamb and live by the sword; expect the sword: across your throat.

Save a lamb: kill a lion.