"And the glory which Thou hast given Me I have given to them; that they may be one, just as We are one..." (v.22)
An experience a Christian should encounter at some point is a crisis in one's life when a decision means a conflict of feeling. One day there will be a drive and will to do something that both has the potential to bring great joy and repute and at the same time great suffering and infamy. It is a decision of the cross, and a decision to live like Christ.
When the tears flow from a knowing heart and you wrestle with the fear of never gripping the peace you thought you once had, you will also know then that all powers of earthly life and death cannot wrangle from you the greatest joy and hope you have ever experienced in mortal life.
You will know the awful thing that is to come and you know that your loving Father knows; but that will not stop
the agony
and the epiphany
of eternal glory

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